Our Suite of Assessment

CFI’s assessments for leader development rely most often on four sources:

  • CFI’s proprietary Appreciative Discovery Dialogue (ADD) methodology helps coaches take an appreciative view of the coachee’s reality, recognising that the seeds of their greatness already exist and only needs discovering. It also helps coachees tell their stories in a way they have not told before. The ADD process which is interview based helps integrate the coachee’s dreams and aspirations with the realities and development needs.
  • CFI Coaches use the VIA Character strengths instrument given its strong focus on Character strengths and virtues.
  • CFI coaches involve the coachee in the assessment process, especially in gathering stakeholder inputs (interview based or 360 assessment process) so ownership of the data is high.
  • Most importantly, CFI and its skilful coaches rely on here and now data to enhance self awareness as much as they rely on a selective set of simple tools.

Of course, several of CFI Coaches are trained and certified in the use of a wide range of psychometric instruments like the Reuven Bar-on EQi 2.0 tool, Hogan Suite of Assessments, MBTI and so on. They use these instruments in a contextually sensitive manner based on a felt need.

So, if you are planning to launch a leader development journey with some assessment as a part of it, contact us. We will do it in a way that leaves your leaders less judged and more appreciated.