
Research shows that most women professionals moderate their aspirations or drop out of the race to the top, by mid-senior management levels. Conflicting personal and professional priorities, coupled with hard-wired organizational beliefs and biases, keep women from achieving their best.

SheLeads from CFI is a program tailored for women at such crucial junctures in their careers. By helping them recognize their strengths, their dreams and their beliefs, and focus on certain skills and competencies. It helps them take definitive steps to become successful corporate leaders and thereby actualize their potential.

The first-of-its- kind program in India, SheLeads is a 4-month coaching lead program helmed by CFI’s stellar team of women coaches and includes powerful and positive assessments, experiential skills workshops and 4 one-on-one coaching sessions.

After seven batches and empowering over 100 women leaders, SheLeads continues to learn and evolve.If women leader development is an integral part of your talent management strategy, do talk to us.


The She Leads Program was not a run of the mill Leadership training that teaches you a certain skillset. It transforms you as a person from within, helping you become a more confident and dynamic leader. My biggest take away from this program was the way it helped hold up a mirror to me and view myself clearly without the veil of insecurities. Thanks to all of you and the coaches for this wonderful program.

Aarthy Yuvaraj Head – Legal, Subcontinent India, FLSmidth

    I strongly believe that the main purpose of life is to help each other grow and CFI is a great testimonial of the same. Team CFI has great coaches who bring out the best in you by providing timely guidance on the challenges faced by us in a professional life. The sessions were quite insightful with the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and create an avenue for great learning. The best part of the whole session is that we team up with the coaches who create an environment of openness to exchange ideas and help each other . Overall I enjoyed the full programme so thoroughly that I implemented the key action items for which I'm now getting to experience the outcome. I would like to thank Ms. Anita Gupta, a great professional for supporting me through some of the challenges. I once again thank Team CFI.

    Padmani Koteeswaran She Leads Batch 3 Participant

      The CFI She Leads program and the regular sessions with my coach Anita Gupta helped me identify and reframe my self-limiting beliefs. It also helped me see that the challenges I face are not unique. Most women in leadership and the workplace go through similar challenges. Knowing my strengths, preferences, and interpersonal orientation, which the program helped crystalize, went a long way in drawing out and implementing action plans to address my self-limiting beliefs. In all honesty, I can’t claim that I’ve overcome them all. It is still a struggle, but I’m far ahead of where I used to be and determined to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

      Daffodil Marcus Director - Strategy & Operations, Cognizant Foundation