Coaching for Execution

Coaching for Execution

ABSTRACT Smart CEOs understand the interdependence of strategy and execution and do not get carried away by the so-called glamour of strategy alone. For them the execution of strategy needs […]

Cross Cultural Perspectives

Cross Cultural Perspectives

A monkey and a fish were caught in a terrible flood and were being swept downstream amidst torrents of water and debris.  The monkey spied a branch from an overhanging […]

Transactional Analysis and Coaching

Transactional Analysis and Coaching

Leveraging the power of Alternative Interventions in Coaching – a transactional analysis perspective As change catalysts, Executive Coaches have to enable coachees to develop newer ways of thinking, feeling or […]

Why Don’t You Communicate?

Why Don’t You Communicate?

You could be a leader, manager, team member or colleague. How do you know if you are communicating adequately?We are not talking about the effectiveness of communication from a skill […]